Sunday, June 01, 2008

Friday Night Fright

Friday night we are all laying in bed. Lynzi is fast asleep. Gene and I are in bed--him, watching tv---me, online. We could hear the sound of rain outside the window.....and the TORNADO SIRENS! "Quick turn on channel 13!" We are under a tornado warning...and the worst part is heading our way! We watch it on tv for a bit and then went downstairs. Gene grabbed Lynzi and we made a comfy place in the hallway. We turned on the news downstairs and eventually the dish went out. So we were tracking the storm on the laptop. Thankful to God we never lost power ...or anything else! I was a little...ok a lot ...frightened! Lynzi slept threw the whole thing. She woke up enough to tell Gene she wanted him to carry her down the stairs. (She normally doesn't like for us to carry her down...afraid we will fall.) She was so tired she was not going to make her legs do that work! The next morning...she remembered NOTHING! I am glad though.

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