Thursday, August 21, 2008

Days #4 and #5

Well, we made another big step on Day #4 and #5...well, ok, a big step for me...not so much for Lynzi. I drove up and DROPPED HER OFF! I didn't get out of the car. Got in the drop off lane and she got out all by herself. She is getting to be such a big girl.

Here is a picture of her after Day #4. She fell asleep watching a video in her room. When I woke her up she said, "Was it over?"

Today, #5...I picked her up and she said, "The teacher has a real caterpillar in the classroom. Well, it isn't a caterpillar now, it is a Chrysalis!"

A WHAT??? I know what it is ....but how does she know already??? She truly does love to learn.

Then she said they got to share what their favorite part of school is and Lynzi said it is the Listening Center where you get to put on headphones and listen to stories. I guess sleeping isn't her favorite anymore!

Tonight is "Back-To-School Night". I hope to have a lot more pictures to show you of her class and school!

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