Friday....let's see...we went to the library to get some movies for the evening. I met Gene and Lynzi there after getting off work. There is a little table with a coloring book and crayons for kids to sit and color while mom and dad are picking out movies. I decided to venture over and look at books about...of guessed it...scrapbooking. Every time I turned around Lynzi was right there (not coloring)...ok, fine. However....when it was time to leave she threw a big fit! She wanted to color. TOO LATE NOW! I had to pick her up and carry her out kicking and screaming. The reason she told me she was crying..."I wanted to give the picture to daddy!" She has never acted like this. I taught her long ago..."if you throw a fit when we leave, we won't come back. " She then was upset that she didn't get to pick out a movie. "When you don't mind you don't get special things." Hard lessons!
Saturday... we all slept in . So nice! Then Lynzi and I went to the Muncie Children's Museum with our friends Karen and Sydney. The last Saturday of the month is free day. We try to go each month, however Karen and Sydney are much better at that than we are. Since I work with Angel Food ministies 2 Saturdays out of the month it is hard to make it there. While we were there the girls got video taped by the Muncie Star Press Newspaper. Karen and I were briefly interviewed. The videographer told us it was for their website. Saturday was the first day for a new exhibit. 

"Chagall for Children" offers kids (and adults) the chance to explore the whimsical and abstract world of Marc Chagall, the world-renowned Impressionist artist. -Star Press

"Chagall for Children" offers kids (and adults) the chance to explore the whimsical and abstract world of Marc Chagall, the world-renowned Impressionist artist. -Star Press
It was a lot of fun! However, when it was time to guessed it...Lynzi threw a fit! The fit only happens after she has not obeyed me and I physically make her do what I told her to do. Where has this come from all of a sudden??
Saturday evening I went to Muncie with my good friend, Julie. We went to Olive Garden and did some shopping. While there my sister in Wisconsin called and said she was leaving for Indiana in the morning. Her biological father was in the hospital and they did not expect him to make it through the weekend. Later my other sister called sobbing that he had passed away about 8pm. Therefore my sister did not make it to the hospital to see him. I am sad for my sisters and plan to spend a few days with them.
Sunday. We had a pastoral vote today and it looks like we will have this pastor for 4 more years! Which it also means I still have my job. When a pastor leaves, technical the whole staff leaves and has to be "rehired". After church I took a 2 hour nap. ALWAYS GOOD!
Hey sorry about your sister's dad. Prayers headed in that direction.
Ah..the joys of fits in stores..usually ours has something to do with the cart!
Sounds like a busy guys are always on the go! But...glad you got in a nap! Yeah...will let you know about dates soon!
Sounds like you had fun. Tonight i am going to see Cheyenne (one of the girls in the wreck). I'll let you know how she said things are going.
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