Ok, just one word is lost. Remember my favorite things I got for Christmas? Words to Go was on the list. I got 2 boxes of 4500 words for my scrapbooking. Well I was scrapping and got to this page of Lynzi in her ballet leotards. In a couple of the pictures she is laughing. So I thought I would put a bunch of words on the page about ballet...and decided I needed a word....GIGGLE! So I ripped open one of the containers of words.............and just stared! lol
Then it became a game. Some of the words stuck together were kinda humorous...like..."Doughnut/Gabfest". Each piece has 2 words. One on the front and one on the back. Being that Gene and I got married in November...I thought it was neat that one of the pieces had "November" on one said and "Promises" on the other.
Needless to say....I gave up before finding "giggle". I didn't empty the whole container. When looking in it...I saw I didn't even have half of them out yet! WHEW!

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