Well, today I read our friends' blog. I normally read it at night before I go to bed...but the last 2 nights I went to bed earlier than usual...and didn't. Well, Baby Kate is our friends' 18 month baby girl. She just underwent her 4th heart surgery right before Christmas. The drs said it didn't hurt or help her heart. However, Monday they told them they have exhausted their options and they were just pretty much doing what they could to make her comfortable in the hospital. So, Tuesday morning she passed away in mommy's arms at 10:30am. If you could find room in your prayers to remember this family. Baby Kate has stayed more of her life in the hospital then she had at home. Andy and Krista, our friends, have thanked God for all the blessings he has given them throughout all this. Andy is Gene's college friend. He was in our wedding and Gene in his. Krista is our friend...and mostly Gene's favorite opponent when playing games. It is very entertaining watching them play games. They are both competitive! LOL We really love these guys and hurt for them! If you would like to read more about Kate's life you can read it at http://www.layman4.blogspot.com/ . You truly will be blessed.
Not that my emotial day compares to theirs...but today after reading about Baby Kate...and crying....I went downstairs and told Gene the news. Then I said, "We are going Bowling!" He was like "Why?" I said, "Dont ask any questions...we are going bowling!" And...being the obeying husband that he is ...again he asked, "Why?" GRR!
Later I finally told him..."Lynzi has been wanting to go Bowling and I have been using the lame excuse that I don't want to spend the money on that. You never know if you will have a chance to do it tomorrow!" So we went to pick up Lynzi from school and take her to the Bowling Alley. When I got out to put Lynzi in her seat she said, "Do you know what we made today? We made a heart!" How appropriate!

We didn't get thru 3 frames and Lynzi slipped in her fashionable bowling shoes and fell with the bowling ball landing on her first finger. Her finger is all black and blue. She is never sick and never gets hurt...so I KNEW she was hurt. The lady working in the concession gave her a plastic glove with ice in it and Lynzi wanted NOTHING to do with that. I was hiding the tears back when I couldn't take the hurt away. Then I thought..."I have been dealing with this for 5 minutes....not 1 1/2 years like Krista has. I can't even imagine!" So let the tears begin!

We get home and I go to get some Tylenol out of the cabinet...and like I mentioned earlier...she is never sick or hurt...all the meds were expired. So I had to run to the grocery to get more Tylenol.
She is doing much better now. I don't think I can handle another emotion today!
((HUGS)) to you!!!
I saw this I think the same day we had the incidents with the kids! Blood blisters are awful, even for adults! Peyton had anothe mishap with the bathtub on Friday and I thought we were going to have to have stitches...thank goodness for butterfly bandages! Maybe she will just be a dirty girl from now one...hmmm!
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