Aug 3rd, 2007

Snow White and Lynzi

Lynzi as Snow White
Mickey Mouse and Lynzi
OH MY GOODNESS! Has it been that long? I am terrible about keeping a blog, aren't I? Well, a lot has happened since Sept 22nd 2006! LOL Don't worry, I will not try to catch you up! I will share some cute pics from our Disney vacation. Lynzi had a great time and was really beginning to think she was a princess. Now that she has been to Disney and met all those princesses...we thought she deserved her own princess name. So we have named her Princess....Shaking Booty! Thanks to my online friend Christi many of Lynzi's dreams got to come true for her birthday! Christi paid for the place we stayed at in FL and and gave us some gas cards that helped out A LOT on our trip! Pictured at the bootom is Christi with Lynzi and I before we departed to come back home. It was great to finally meet my online friend of 6 years!
Snow White and Lynzi
Lynzi as Snow White
Mickey Mouse and Lynzi
Cinderella and Lynzi
Christi, Lynzi and LeeAnne
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