Payton's Brithday Party
Saturday was a full day for Lynzi and I. Daddy was working in the morning so Lynzi and I went to Anderson Family Christian Book Store wehre they had a celebration for the new Hermie video by Max Lucado. She won the new video in a drawing! WOO HOO!! (Ok, so they were giving away 2 and there were only 3 kids there.
After that Lynzi and I just shopped around and I actually got some Christmas shopping done! We stopped at Meijer and looked around a bit before heading back to Anderson for Payton's birthday party. When walking back out to the car...there we saw...Becky! She was just parking and heading in to do some shopping! Normally I see Becky once a year...and I have seen her 4 times this year!!! What a great surprise!
Payton's party was at the roller rink. This was Lynzi's first time skating! She was soooo excited. Gene and I were a little apprehensive! We just didn't want her to get hurt! She did great! They tighten up the wheels so that really all they are doing is walking in them. Lynzi realized this and said, "They aren't slippery!" She wanted to SKATE!!!! So they loosened them a bit.
Then she was soooooooo scared and cried and didn't want to skate. Probably because I told her if she got them loosened she would fall. But she insisted! Her friend Maddie helped her along and they went on the rink. 

She had so much fun!
Lynzi with Payton's mommy, Jenny.
Lynzi and Maddie
Lynzi and Payton, the birthday girl!
The Three Amigos...Maddie, Lynzi and Payton
Lynzi - GAMMY E and Greatgrandma Smith really liked to rollar skate. We had our own skates. Keep trying and someday you will skate without falling. LOVE GAMMY E
I am blessed!
I have seen you 4 times this year!
I am feeling deprived of you again already though!
Love you!
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