Well after a long day of running around, Lynzi finally got to play on her swing set! Our backyard is beginning to look like a preschool paradise. Lynzi is outside right at this moment playing in her sandbox. She loves the outdoors.

She did a great job at ballet today. Today was the first lesson of the year and she remembered a lot. She has even gotten better with her Hammer Step and Shuffle Step. Next week they get to TUMBLE. I can't close this blog without sharing some more great deals! Lynzi got ballet shoes for free!! Now is that a great deal or what? Thanks to a good friend of mine, Amber, and her daughter, Sydney! Sydney grew out of her size 10 and that is exactly what Lynzi needed! So Amber was sooooo kind to mail them to me yesterday and they made it here today!!!! Then we got to class where there were some used shoes for sale...and I got Lynzi 2 pair of tap shoes for $3 each. I got some that fit now...and some that will fit come recital time! YAY for great deals!!!
Outdoor lover - granddaughter after Gammy's own heart. Many days spent in the woods of Houghton as a child - Greatgrandpa Smith loved the out of doors. Wonderful how God provides "deals" when we are faithful to HIM. GOD BLESS - have a great day and know you all are LOVED.
What great DEALS you've found over the past couple of days! YAY!
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