Thursday...All went well at school on Wednesday. Lynzi came home withe a "GOOD WORK" sticker on her shirt. They learned how to cover their sneeze with a tissue. She brought home a cute paper she made with a face, with a tissue glued to it...then her hand was traced out and glued on that. She is anxious to go back tomorrow!
When we went to the parent/teacher meeting last week the teacher was explaining how the kids took turns bringing snacks and when they did so they got to be the leader for the week. That got to be first in line, etc. She went on to say that the kids really enjoy this part. I spoke up and said, "Yes, Lynzi was wanting to bring snacks tonight!"
Well yesterday morning when I dropped Lynzi off the teacher handed me the calendar for the month. On there she had Lynzi down to bring snacks next week! She gets to be the first LEADER! She is THRILLED! I told her teacher she was excited and she said she scheduled her first on purpose! The letter of the week is we will be taking snacks that start with C. Cupcakes, cookies, cake, candy corn, carrots (Lynzi didn't like that idea).....any other ideas??
Cute dreams......
Last night I told Lynzi I would rock her for one song. She, of course, wanted to listen to Carrie Underwood last night. So we rocked and sang together. Then she said, "Wanna know what I dreamed about?" I said, "What?" She said, "I dreamed that Mike had a lot of kids. Morgan and Karmen weren't there. He was in a gym, not our gym because it was painted....brown. Maybe it was the gym at the Backtist (Baptist) church. I ran and I ran and I ran.... and there was a Sunday School class room. So I went in there. I drew a cat and a giraffe and a dog...." I just laughed which made her stop telling the story. It was so cute!
Good night for now. Go Colts!