"You know what? When I get grown up I can drive myself to Grandma and Grandpa's. Yep! When I get bigger that is the first thing that I will do! I can't wait to get grown up!"
How cute!
Tonight we had our 3rd week of Awana. Lynzi memorized John 3:16 and got her membership card and her cute red Awana vest.

This is obviously not Lynzi but I took a couple pictures of her and my camera battery went dead. So I will upload later. She insisted on wearing her Colt's Cheerleading uniform tonight under it!
During the games the kids (divided up in 4 teams) had to run around this white cirlce, pick up their teams color bean bag and throw it in the middle of the circle to knock down a bowling pin. Lynzi was cute running around the white circle....everyone passing her...but she was having fun. The greatest part was when everyone passes her, she finally arrives to her green bean bag and everyone else has already tried to knock down the pin and missed. She comes up...the 4th to try...and the smallest in the room....and knocks it down....TWICE! It was so humorous!
I am so glad I am one of the leaders in her group so I can't miss a thing!
Also, SHE IS READING! She is doing so well! She has read 10 books now towards her 100 book goal for Super Readers at school. She is so excited about reading! I am so proud of her!
We are ready to start another week. Monday Lynzi has Nature Hunt Club after school until 315pm and then Girl Scouts from 5-6:30pm. Tuesday Lynzi has ballet from 330-400 and then I have Euchre club at 6pm. Wednesday Gene and I are off and planning on having a relaxing day. Then on Wed night we have our Financial Peace Class at our house. Thursday Gene is going to start taking down the wallpaper in the living room and then taking Lynzi to Marion because she is out of school Thursday and Friday for fall break.
Saturday is Angel Food D-day! YAY! Then Julie and I are going to dinner and a concert! Jeff Dunham! He is hilarious! I am so looking at laughing until my side hurts!
So that is my post. No pictures, but lots of info. Have a great week!
1 comment:
Wow! Sounds like a busy week you had!
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