Today was a full day. Lynzi had school, ballet and then a Halloween party.
Today was school pictures. I can't wait to get them back since they are her first school pics. She had them done in Preschool...but Elementary is different! I struggled in what package to buy. Gene is going to do some pics of her to give to her friends, so we bought a small package...mainly for me to scrap! :)
I have to Lynzi's school the 5th graders buddy up with the Kindergarteners. Lynzi is always talking about her buddy. Well today I got to meet her in the hall after school. She said, "Lynzi is very smart!" Made me feel good! She brought home books to read for a program called Super Readers. She got one out and was sitting there READING IT! I was amazed! The other of the two books was a read aloud book so I read it to her. But OMG! She is SMART! :)
Tonight Lynzi had her first Halloween party of the year. It was for Girl Scouts. There were over 200 girls there. Whew! She dressed up as Cinderella. We did some crafts...and they were hard for mommy...let alone the little girls! Sheesh.
I do have to share a story about what happened last week. I went to pick up Lynzi last Monday and she seemed worried/upset. Well I looked at her and she said, "I got my name in the choice box today! The secretary of the school said, "Oh, is that good?" It is like getting your name on the board. In her class she they have "choice" time where they get to chose a fun activity. If you get your name in the choice box then you miss out on some choice time. Great idea!
So anyway I asked her what she did. "I was talking during rest time." Poor thing, got in trouble for something that she inherited...the joy of talking. She was really upset. Her voice cracked and she was trying so hard to hold back the tears! I really wasn't prepared for this. For the first few weeks of school I would ask her everyday..."Did you get your name in the choice box?" She would always say, "No, mom, I never will!" I will go on to tell her..."Good because you will get in trouble at home too!" happens, What do I do? After thinking about it...I told her I was proud of her for telling me and that she would not be in trouble this home.
Well she kept talking about it all afternoon and all night. I predicted that going to school the next day would be rough. Sure enough...she was "sick" the next morning. I told her she was just worried about her punishment (standing on the wall for 5 min at recess). So I got out my egg timer and we sat for 5 min to see how long it was. "It isn't long at all, mommy!" But she still was "sick". I asked her if she would feel better if I wrote the teacher a note telling her that she wasn't feeling well. She agreed to that. Then I drive up to drop her off and she asked if I would walk her to class. This is the same girl who didn't want me to walk to her class the first day of school! So I did. I talked to the student teacher and she told me she took it hard the day before. Well at 9:15am I got a call from her teacher. "Lynzi just vomited in the classroom." UGH! So I went to the school to talk to her. I asked her is she wanted to stay or go home. She chose home. Then I explained that she would still have to stand on the wall the next day, and she understood. I also told her if her teacher forgot, she needed to remind her that she had to stand on the wall at recess or at choice time. So I took her to work with me. She was perfectly fine after that. The next day we picked her up and she told us the teacher erased her name and she didn't have to stand on the wall! GRRRR! I was upset that she didn't get her punishment. On Thursday, Gene subbed at her school and ran into her teacher. He asked her if Lynzi reminded her of her punishment and the teacher said, "Yes, she did. We told her we erased her name when she got sick. We figured she was already punished enough. But I bet she never does it again!"
If all kids cared that much about getting in trouble...I would go back to teaching! HA!
On a serious note. Friends of ours at church are going through a trying time right now. They have been going through an adoption process and the baby was born with complications. Please remember them in your prayers and visit this website to keep updated and leave them encouraging messages if you will. This is weighing heavy on my heart. I just can't handle a suffering baby! It tears me up! And the couple is a very nice couple who love God with all their hearts. Please join me in praying for them.

1 comment:
Sheesh! I have GOT to start checking blogs again.
Cute little princess!!!
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