What crazy weather here in Indiana! It was just a couple days ago I left my coat in the car and enjoyed running errands. It was nice and sunny but just a little windy. Well all of that changed QUICK! Tuesday I went to work where the electricity went out for about 20 minutes. No big deal when it is only 20 minutes. During that time my cell phone went dead too! The view was beautiful....ice on the trees and shrubbery. The world looked like glass. The roads weren't' bad at all. I found out about 1:00 that Lynzi's ballet class was cancelled due to what was to come. I had a Mary Kay party scheduled and had to cancel it as well. Mainly because we didn't know what the weather would be like when it was time for people to drive home. Lynzi was really upset because her friend was going to come and play with her. So Gene said, "we can do our own make up party! I let her put her own make up on!

We did get a little snow...dusting, I guess over night. Gene woke me up at 6am to let me know school was cancelled. I was shocked to find out on the tv stations that we were the only one in this area that closed. I assume it was because much of New Castle was out of power. We were blessed and have not lost power. However, we have some damage done outside. Much of our big tree in our back yard fell. It broke a section of our privacy fence and bent a bar on the top of the dog's run. It also ripped down our telephone line. (No big deal. We don't use it!) So when Gene got home from work he and I went outside to move Lynzi's playground before it was damaged. Moments later a limb fell in that area. Whew! Glad we moved it.
Here are some pictures.

What a mess!
Today was my day off so I always like it when school is cancelled on a Wednesday. I did a lot of cleaning but I never got out of my jammies! Right before noon I got a call from our pastor and he was letting me know the Wednesday night service has been cancelled. Although the streets weren't bad and the temps were above freezing there was no power at the church. Many areas were out. So...more cleaning and more time in my jammies!
My Mary Kay party has been rescheduled to Thursday the 13th at 6:30pm. Everyone is invited and if you can't come and would like to order, just let me know!
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