Ok all! I have a feeling this will be a long post! It has been 10 days...but who's counting!
Fun with ice cream and friends! A couple weeks ago we went met Karen and Sydney at McDonald's to play. They had so much fun! How can you not with ICE CREAM!

Well after the ice storm came some snow. Last Saturday it was really bad when we left here about 11am to head to Marion where it hadn't snowed! Our pastor found it funny when I would say we were heading NORTH where there was less snow. But there seriously was less snow! When we were walking out the door the electricity went out. I thought Gene turned off the living room light and the furnace just "happened" to go off at the same time. Truth was...EVERYTHING went off at the same time. If it hadn't been for this happening...I think I would have turned around and went back home instead of driving in it!
We got to Marion and dropped Lynzi off and visited a bit with my parents. Gene and I went out for dinner in Marion and then headed to Wabash to see Steven Curtis Chapman in concert. We ran into some friends from our church (in New Castle) at dinner. They were in town for the regional high school basketball tournament. Earlier that day they beat the #2 team and were about to play the Marion Giants....my alma mater.
The concert was great. His son opened up for him and was great too! My favorite was, of course, was when he sang Cinderella. While he sang it showed a video of his silhouette and a silhouette of a little girl dancing in a poofy ballerina tutu. Then a teen getting ready for the prom. Then a young adult about to get married. I cried...and don't let Gene fool you...he did too!

While in the concert I got a text message from a woman at our church...who was at the game. She gave me a report on the score at half time and NC was up by 9 points. Then later I received another text message from her that read, "congrats". So Marion won!
We spent the night at my parents' house and went to church the next day with them.
Sunday night after returning home I ordered my new free cell phone. It arrived Tuesday. It is tiny but I really like it! It is also a MP3 player. I am catching up with Lynzi's technology! Here are some pics.

Then here is the picture in "negative" mode and in emboss.

Wednesday was Gene's day off. He took Lynzi to school and let me sleep in. How nice! Then we went out back and cleaned up the yard. It was a pretty nice day out! Here it is all cleaned up!

Lynzi takes ballet on Tuesdays and this past Tuesday was a "watch" day. Every first Tuesday we get to watch the lesson. Since ballet was cancelled last week because of the snow we got to watch this week. So here is our little ballerina. The first picture is actually taken of the mirror. We sit behind the kids. The second picture shows the evidence of that.
Thursday was my Mary Kay party! We had soooooooo much fun. I took a picture but I can't get it to post! UGH! Will share that later. Don't you girls worry! HA!
Ok, well I better end now. It is the cat's turn on the computer!

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