On Sunday evening I notice I had a voicemail from a Walmart photo lab in Wisconsin where I sent these same 3 pictures to have my sister pick them up. The technician said I could not have the pictures without a copyright release from the photographer.
So, I called the technician back and explain to her that I took the pictures, I edited the pictures online and I am not a professional photographer so you do not need a copyright release from me for my sister to pick them up.
Tech -"No, these were done in a studio."
Me- "No, I took them of my kids myself. I am not a photographer"
Tech- "In order for you to pick these up you will need to bring in a copyright release from the photographer."
Me- "No, I am not a professional photographer. You do not need a copyright release form from me."
Tech- "Yes, I do. These pictures were done in a studio. You can have the one in color but the black and white one was done in a studio."
Me- "Ma'am, I took all of those pictures with MY camera, in MY living room. They were not done in a studio....and you have already charged my debit card the $0.60 for the pictures!"
Tech-"No, these were done in a studio and they have been signed for."
Me- "Signed for? What does that mean?"
Tech- "The photographer signed for them and you cannot pick them up without a copyright release."
Me- "Is there someone else I can talk to because you are calling me a liar and I am not."
Tech-"Sure. Hold on."
Moments go by....
Tech- "Someone is coming shortly ma'am."
Me- "Ok, thanks."
More time goes by....
Tech- "My manager said you can have them."
Me- "Ok, great! Thanks!"
Me- "Ok, great! Thanks!"
Now...all of that for $0.60!!! I know they could have been fined much more...but hello....I explained to you where the pics were taken and by who and that I AM NOT A PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER!! I assume the "signing of the pictures" was the "Lynzi Mae" on the picture. If I had gotten that clue earlier I would have explained that "Lynzi Mae" was the girl in the picture...my DAUGHTER...in MY LIVING ROOM!!!
Gene thinks the whole thing is funny and wants to display my pics on HIS webpage! LOL
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