Elijah Phillip was born on Wednesday, June 24th, 2009 weighing 7lbs 12.6 oz. I was scheduled for a csection on the following Monday, but Elijah was ready to come into this world a little earlier. The funny thing is...my first c-section date was set for June 24th but had to be changed. We joke about Elijah "not getting the memo."
Twelve hours after being born we were told that he would have to be transported to St. Vincent's in Indianapolis because he had Congential Pneumonia. There was some fluid in his little lungs and he wasn't taking in enough oxygen causing him to have problems crying and breathing. Since I had a c-section I was not able to get out of bed to go to the nursery to see him. People would take pictures and bring them to me. Before he was transported I was able to get into a wheel chair and see him before St. V doctors got there. They also brought him in to me in his little incubator before taking him away. Needless to say...I was a wreck! Not only was my baby sick and being taken away....but my mother had passed away in that hospital 4 months prior. It was a very emotional time.
Our good friends in Ft. Wayne gave us the scoop about what to do for a place to stay in Indy. We were able to talk to a case worker and she arranged 6 nights at the Marten House and gave us a lot of food vouchers for the different cafeterias on the St. V. campus.
Many friends and family came to visit and gave us some encouragement. It was rough, and looking back....we were so fortunate. Many of those babies in the NICU were soooooo sick. Our baby was pretty healthy except for some fluid in his lungs. We praise God for Elijah and for all of our family and friends! Even Lynzi got to come and hold her little brother!
On the 8th day of life, Elijah finally got to come home! Lynzi was awaiting very eagerly and couldn't wait to hold him again. She even got to feed him a bottle.

Love at first sight.

The next day my dad and sister came to visit. I am so glad Tina got to make the trip from Wisconsin to be here.
This year's 4th of July wasn't the same. We usually have a traditional cookout with our friends from Anderson but I was not ready for a houseful of people. Dad and Tina came to visit again and that evening we went to watch the fireworks at the park. Elijah slept through even the loudest bangs!
After a week Elijah went to the doctor. He hadn't gained any weight since leaving St. V. at 7lbs 1 oz. I had to take him back a week later and he had gained 7 oz....an ounce a day! At his one month visit he weighed 8lbs 3 oz. Then yesterday at his 2 month visit he weighed 12lbs 9 oz!! The doctor questioned the nurse..."Are you sure???" lol He is growing so fast and growing out of so many of his cute clothes!
Elijah had his first shots yesterday. He was not a happy camper!!! He then slept most of the day and slept 7 hours straight last night. After nursing him at 10:30pm I laid the wide awake baby in the crib with his mobile. He put himself to sleep later and slept all night!
More pics later when there is more time.
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