It has been a busy always. Friday night Lynzi sold candy bars at Kroger for Girl Scouts and on Saturday she had her school Fall Festival where she had lots of fun playing the different games and playing in the blow up bounce house. Here she is with her Kindergartne Teacher at the Fall Festival.
Sunday on our way out the door to go to church it was SNOWING! None was sticking....but none the less...SNOW! Lynzi was quite, not so much. The rest of the day we relaxed and read books and snuggled in bed and watched TV. Daddy was working so it was just us girls.
Yesterday was our wedding anniversary....8 years! We got a great gift! We found out we are pregnant! Well WE aren't...I am. But you know what I mean! It is crazy, really! We were trying for a while...and gave up! Then BAM! Not expected, but the news is very welcome! We had a lot of fun telling our family. Here is a video of us telling Lynzi!
Ok, so until I get the video to upload, here is a picture of Lynzi with her new T-shirt!

Congratulations!!!!! I will be excited to watch you through this now that I am DONE!!!
AWWW!!!! Congrats!!! I am pumped! So you probably thought i forgot about my blog. I just posted fall dance pics if you wanna see them :)
<3, Morgan
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