Sunday, August 10, 2008


Since Lynzi will be starting Kindergarten in 8 days I was wanting to find her a desk. I want her to start off with a routine of coming home and doing homework and putting her things away. I looked and looked online and at Wal-mart for a not-no-expensive first desk. Just when I stopped looking...we found one at a rummage for $3.00!!!! The chair was included.

The slanted top comes up and she can store her supplies and papers in there. It also has these little pegs you can put up to make it a level surface. (Gizmo is eager to see what the new piece is all about too!)

This we didn't even realize until we got home. This little lid comes up and it is a perfect spot for supplies like glue sticks, scissors, pencils and more. Shortly after this picture Lynzi was filling it up with supplies!
There is a little ledge there...I am not sure what it is for but holds a book up there nice!
I am very proud of this find!

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