I want to start off by telling you about a conversation Lynzi and I had one day last week.
Lynzi: I want to die so I can see God.
Mommy: What? Did you say you want to die so you can see God?
Lynzi: Yes, I can't see him. You know, He can see us but we can't see him. I want to see him and you have to die to do that.
Mommy: (Speechless)
Wow...that was deep. How many of us really WANT to die? We have too much to do...get a 4th of July cookout ready, get a birthday party ready, get a float ready for the next parade, get the house cleaned, catch up on reading blogs, catch up on your own blog! Sad...I don't take the time to WANT to die. There is my profound thought for this entry.
Last Friday...the 20th...Lynzi was sick. I don't know what was wrong but she was just laying around. I thought, "well, I can get her to the church and get her on a blanket in front of the tv and she can just lay around while I work." It didn't work that way! I hate to say it...but I should have listened to her. She didn't want to go! We get there...I get her set up with blankets and some movies. I go down the hall to get a pillow out of the comfy couches classroom. (If you read Karmen's blog...this is when I discovered a collapsed igloo in the Children's Church room!! ACK!) I get back to my desk and just moments later....Lynzi got sick on the blankets and her clothes. "Ok so it is out of her system. She will be fine now. I will put the blankets and clothes in the washer...and go out to the car to get some more clothes...and we will be fine." (I had extra clothes because she was going to Grandma and Grandpas that day for the weekend.) So ...not even 20 min later....she got sick again. OK! We are going home! She got sick in the car....and then once at home. Then she went to sleep. Poor thing! I called Grandma and cancelled their weekend custody. (That is what they like to call it! HA!) She didn't have a fever or anything, just some bug. Later that afternoon she was doing much better and wanted to go to Grandma and Grandpa's. So I get things packed in the car and head to the church to get a few things done before heading to Marion. As soon as we get in the door of the church----she got sick again! So...off again plans with Grandma and Grandpa! UGH! I don't know if it was the heat or what. But thankfully that was the last time she got sick.
So on Saturday, I got up to go to the Angel Food distribution. (Side note: Gene never gets to help out because he usually works. This is the 2nd month he could have volunteered since December...but didn't this month because of Lynzi being sick. The only other month was the same day as the men's camping trip. I think he paid Lynzi to get sick so he didn't have to volunteer! Hmmmmm!) Anyway...it was a fun time as usually. I just LOVE this ministry!! It makes my heart happy each and every time we take orders or we distribute the food! The mayor was there to help this month! He really thinks this program is what the community needs with rising gas and food prices! Anyway....shut me up! I could talk forever about Angel Food Ministries and Financial Peace University!
Gene is still liking his job...and his time off! I gotta admit...he probably does more around the house than I do these days. He is always on top of the laundry and the lawn!
You would think with all this extra time I have I would scrap more...but no. I miss scrapping!
Tonight is the start of our church VBS. This is the first time since we have attended this church that I have not helped out with VBS. I am looking forward to going to the adult study that will be going on along with the kids study. I am planning on taking Lynzi to two other VBS's the next two weeks...with one of her friends.
We enrolled Lynzi in a reading program at the library. She has started reading Dick and Jane books...she is so smart!!(I am not just saying that because I am her mom. Many people have told me that....and I believe them!) I love to watch her learn!!
Last night we went to our church for Girls' Night Out. This was for girls preschool-4th grade. Lynzi was so excited. She knows her days of the week and she knew when we woke up it was Saturday and it was going to be "Girls' Night Out" day. It was a lot of fun. There were different stations set up for the girls to do....facials, make up, fingernail polish, feet scrub, and then they made scrunchies for their hair. Here is a picture of Lynzi...being cool as a cucumber.
This week we are having our annual Fourth of July cookout with our friends Jim and Becky in Anderson. I always enjoy catching up with them. Then next weekend is a festival where Angel Food will have a booth on Fri and Sat...and will have a float in the parade on Saturday. It is ...and will be a lot of work...but again...I LOVE IT!!! Serving God's people is soooooo rewarding!
Also on that same Saturday is Lynzi's birthday party. It will be at Chuck-E-Cheese this year! She is so excited. Her cake theme is Giselle...which is the princess from Enchanted! That is her new passion! Here are some pics of the invitations her and I made. I didn't take a picture of the front...what was I thinking...that is the cutest part that Lynzi did with her new scrapbooking Cuttlebug!!

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