I can't believe how much time has passed since my last blog entry. I am really am slacking! Let's see what has happened since the last entry.
The whole family has gone thru antibiotics! This sickness is everywhere! It is not leaving out anyone! So if you haven't gotten it...yet....watch out!!!!
I had my Lia Sophia jewerly party and recieved my free jewelry already! WOO HOO! It took less than a week to get it!!! I like FREE stuff...especially FAST FREE stuff!
On Wednesday Lynzi had her Valentine's Day party at preschool. We made some heart shaped cookies with the Pampered Chef Cookie Press and put icing on them. Lynzi helped by putting the heart sprinkles on top!

On Valentine's Day Gene was feeling pretty rotten. We don't make a big deal out of Valentine's Day...but I got him some Chocolates. He felt bad that he didn't feel well enough to even get me a card...but I told him. "Honey you got me jewerly! And you did good!" HA! That wasn't enough for him. On Saturday evening he came home with some tulips and some cookies with whipped icing. Those cookies have meaning. When we met at PayLess Supermarket in Anderson the bakery had Cookie Monster cookies that had a TON of icing. They would make me hyper and Gene told me I couldn't have any more because they just made me too silly! Then he had the VCR set up and we were going to sit there eating our icing filled cookies and watch our wedding video. How sweet! However, the tape got stuck in the VCR and so we didn't. But it is the thought that counts. He tried!
So...on Valentine's Day I spent the day with my friend Michelle. She, too, is a ballet mom. She also is a Mary Kay consultant. I have been out of the Mary Kay business for a while and she asked me if I would like to have a facial and see all the new stuff! So ...she was my date on Valentine's Day! We had a lot of fun with the facial and I am getting myself started back on the skin care. The date ended with a chocolate heart! How sweet!
Friday I took Lynzi to Marion to stay with Grandma and Grandpa since it was an Angel Food Distribution weekend! I swooped over to Anderson to pick up my sweetest friend, Becky, and she rode along. We don't get to see each other often so it was nice to talk while we drove to Marion and back.
On Saturday I got up to do the Angel Food thing. Have I mentioned I look forward to this day each month! I just love to serve in this ministry! Each week something just about brings me to tears!!!! Tears of Joy! This ministry touches more people then what is evident, I am sure! Anyway....I did the distribution thing and then had the whole day to myself since Gene was at work. So I went to a little kids consignment store. I found this cute jacket on the $1 rack! It is used, and too big...but $1????? I had to get it.

I also got her a long sleeved shirt on that rack and some $4 dress up sandles for summer....that looked brand new!!!!! I got it all FREE!!!! I am a consigner there and had money on my account! FREE JEWELRY!!! FREE KIDS CLOTHES/SHOES!!! What is next??
Well let me tell you what is next! FREE SKIN CARE!!! I am having a Mary Kay Skin Care Class on March 4th. It is going to be a Good Night Party. That is...we will be getting our faces ready for bed. I am looking forward to this! As I have mentioned before...I have started the skin care again. I feel guilty doing something for me....and I have decided that if I feel good about myself then I will be a better wife and mother. If you would like to check out the products go to....
Sunday was my mother's birthday! We celebrated with going to her favorite mexican restaurant! We ate until our tummies were content and then went to her house and napped! It is just something about Sunday naps!
Last night I attended a Mary Kay meeting with Michelle. It was a lot of fun. Brought back lots of memories. Many have asked if I will get back into the business. I just am not sure yet. I am not a impulsive decision maker. I do love the product...so that is not a concern. I just have to evaluate my life and see if it is what God wants me to do right now.
Today if ballet day! Gene will be taking Lynzi to Hagerstown for her lesson while I stay at home and get things done! Tonight is Euchre Club Night! My gracious friend, Tammy, will be watching Lynzi while I am at card night. This is my 2nd card night. It was a lot of fun last month.
Well this has been a long post then I thought it would be. Had to make up for lost time! HA!
Glad to have you back! I am finally back too!
Hey...you better get posting or it's going to be another week...again!!! JK!
Sounds like you all are super busy though and feeling better...thats good!
We've got to get a scrapping weekend on the calendar soon! I'm so ready to get caught up...gee I'm only almost 3 years behind! YIKES!
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