Monday Lynzi had girl scouts. They earn a badge every week they go. This week they made a mobile with colors and shapes to earn their "Colors and Shapes" badge.
She will receive that badge next week. This week she received her first badge, the"Science In Action" badge
for participating in the science experiments last week. She also received her Brownie Sash and her troop badges. How exciting. When I called Grandma to tell her about it her comment was, "Now Mommy has to sew them on!" There was laughter following that comment because she knows I never earned a sewing badge! HA! Well, they are the iron-on badges and that is just what I did today! Not too bad if I do say so myself!

This is the "Dancercize" badge that I think she will earn next week when they go to the YMCA to learn a dance.

On Tuesday, the copier broke at work. UGH! I had to call in to get it fixed. The tech came out and said he had to order the part and it would be Thursday or Friday before it came in! So, I got some other things done.
Wednesday we started another Financial Peace University class at out house. It is good to have my nose back into this stuff. I love it! However, the price of gas is really irritating me and my budget!! After the class I met Karmen at the grocery store and did some grocery shopping for our up coming cooking day.
Thursday, after picking up Lynzi from school, I made some home made noodles and couldn't wait to fix them so we had them for dinner! YUM! Karmen and I are having a cooking day on Sunday afternoon and I couldn't wait. 

Friday...oh...Friday! Not only was the copier not working but the Internet was down too! I had everything done except for printing things for Sunday. So there was not much for me to do. My boss suggested I go home for a while and come back. I did. I did some running around...and went to lunch with JULIE! That was the positive out of it all!! I came home and waited for time to pick up Lynzi and went back to work after that. I had to run to the bank before 5pm so at 4:30 I ran to the bank...and then.....BACK to work. It was a long day...but everything got done! Whew!
Today, was pretty dreary and overcast when we first got up. (Oh, and Saturday I get to sleep in! I couldn't sleep past 7:15am!) I got some household chores done and then took a shower. While fixing my hair Gene called from work and said he had heard one of the gas stations in town went up to $5! So he asked me to go get gas in my car and get his car and put gas in it! As I am filling my gas tank up for $3.94 the attendant was changing the price. When I went to get Gene's car one gas station was at $4.99 a gallon! OMG! I head back to the gas station I was at...$4.15. Still better than $4.99! After the gas chase...Lynzi and I went to the library for a Make and Take craft. We made it with only 15 minutes left for the activity. WHEW! While there Lynzi snuggled with her Ole Big Bear that she donated to the library about a month ago.

After the library we went to the license branch to renew our car plates. Exciting huh?
Now Lynzi and I are home just enjoying things WE like to do. She is playing with her "tents" in the living room and I am blogging. I am not going to go make some more homemade noodles! Tina, when are you coming back home??? HAHAHAHAHA!