Here are a few pics from my scrap weekend. I didn't take my camera...mainly because I was hoping Gene would take pictures of Lynzi and Seth together at dinner...but did he? No. So here is a picture of our work table...from my camera phone. Let me add...this was a LITTLE part of our work station!!! We had things all over the room! You can see a cute little picture of Precious Baby Kate!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Scrapping Weekend with Krista
Here are a few pics from my scrap weekend. I didn't take my camera...mainly because I was hoping Gene would take pictures of Lynzi and Seth together at dinner...but did he? No. So here is a picture of our work table...from my camera phone. Let me add...this was a LITTLE part of our work station!!! We had things all over the room! You can see a cute little picture of Precious Baby Kate!

This picture makes it look pink, but it is actually a clay looking color. It is called Natural Clay.
Last night I began to scrape the wallpaper off the upstairs bathroom. It will be a dark yellow color! Hopefully I will get that room done by Friday! :)
Friday, April 25, 2008
Internet---the lack of!
Tea Party
They tried on each others clothes and put on make up and jewelry. Then they had (chocolate milk) tea, cookies, fruit and veggies. They went out side and played in the nice spring air and sat by the pond. It was a very fun time!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Packin for Scrappin

Kindergarten Round Up!
Today we went to Kindergarten Round Up. I have got to tell you, Lynzi is soooooooo excited about going to the big girl school.
Here she is doing a puzzle while I was filling out some paperwork...and snapping pictures!
Here she is in one of the Kindergarten classrooms trying out the kitchen.
Here the teacher tested her. It tested her letters, numbers, colors and shapes recognition as well as her counting skills and direction following skills. She did great. The teacher was impressed. The only thing she didn't know was the lower case g. At the end the teacher said, "We by no means expect the children to know these things before going to Kindergarten.....but your child already knows all of it! I was so proud of her. I got to see some old co-workers there. It was good to see them there. Lynzi didn't even know I use to work there. She thought that was neat. After signing her up we walked around the school to see the library, the art room and the cafeteria. She kept asking where the music room was. The door was not open so we didn't go in, but there were some pictures of the current kids singing on a bulletin board outside the classroom. She was content with that for now!
The server is not working to its full potential!!! I will post more pics later!
Sunday, April 13, 2008
And another week ...flew by!
So my days were spent working. I worked Mon and Tues 9-2 at church and 2-7 at the pharmacy. (It is right down the road from one another!) Wednesday I worked 2-7 at the pharmacy. Thursday I worked 9-2 at the church and 2-7 at the pharmacy. I only worked 9-2 at the church on Friday because I took Lynzi to Mamaw's and Papaw's in Marion after work.
While I was working all this time Gene and Lynzi got to spend a lot of time together. Gene was off Sunday thru Thursday. In that time he finished painting the front porch! YAY! It looks really nice. He took a picture on his phone. I will have to have him send it to me so I can post it. It used to be a dark brown wood and he painted it a light cream color. He also cleaned a bunch of "junk" out of the porch too! It is starting to look nice. I am now looking for a small curtain for the front door window that doesn't darken the room.
Tuesday I attended the church board meeting. It went well...better than expected. Writing a letter and telling people my side of things...and expressing how I feel isn't a normal thing for me. But it went well. I left the meeting feeling like I had more support than I thought!
Wednesday I went to lunch with my friend, Julie! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO HER! Of course we went to Los!
Friday night Gene and I had a late dinner at Applebees.
Saturday I went SHOPPING with Julie in Greenwood. We had a fun time at Old Time Pottery, T.J. Maxx, JoAnn's, Kohl's and On the Border. Yes, we like Mexican! HA!
Today I went to church were I was one of the teachers for Children's Church. It was fun. We learned that God made all the animals. The kids had fun acting out different animals and then making some of their own with Play Doh! Then I went to the Healton's for some homemade lasagna! YUM! And to top that off....Dirt Pudding!!! Then it was off to Marion to pick up Lynzi.
We didn't stay long because Lynzi really wanted to go to church. She loves her classes and her friends! I am glad!
Well, off to get ready for yet another week! I am really looking forward to my weekend in Fort Wayne with my friend Krista! I hope I get lots done as well as some good fellowship with my friend!
Have a great week!
Saturday, April 05, 2008
A Glance of the Past Week
The only thing to really report this week is that I am starting a 2nd job Monday! Back to the ol' pharmacy work! I love it! I can't wait. I will be working for a friend of mine. I wasn't going to start until NEXT Monday but she texted me and asked me to start this Monday! She has too much work to keep up with. A good problem to have when you start a new business! I am excited for her as well! She is a good gal!
Nothing too exciting happening next week. Gene pretty much has the week off. He is working today and will not go back until Friday! Boy does he have it nice, huh? I will be working 2 jobs this week! HA! But I am by no means complaining! Monday I get to start my 2nd job. Tuesday I will be attending the church board meeting. (Pray for me here!) Wednesday I am off from the church, but perhaps will work at the pharmacy. Gene will be working next no plans next weekend either. It is nice to just stay home and get things done around the house. Perhaps I will get some scrapbooking done. OH! Speaking of that....I will be getting together with my friend, Krista, the following weekend to scrap. I need to get stuff ready for that! Krista? Are you ready??
That is all for now! Hope you have a great weekend!