Here are the events of this week. Lynzi and I went to grandma and grandpa's house on Wednesday after Lynzi got out of school. We went to help her cook Thanksgiving dinner. Even Lynzi helped by tearing up the bread for the dressing.

Later that night Grandma had a hair appointment. Lynzi got her bangs cut and Melissa was so nice to put some curls in her hair while waiting on Grandma's perm to set.

After eating Thanksgiving Dinner we went to visit Gene's Aunt and Uncle while we were in Marion and then back to grandma's to take a nap! Lynzi was up until 1am waiting on Aunt Tina to get in. And then the rest of us girls went to bed about 3am! Then on Friday I went shopping with my friend Julie and 2 of her sisters. I went to bed about 10:30pm and got up at 12:30am and left to go shopping at 1: 30am. Lynzi stayed at grandma's playing with grandma and Aunt Tina. They took her to a movie and saw the new Disney princess on Enchanted. Lynzi got a little scared during the movie and wanted mommy! Aunt Tina took this picture of Lynzi and Strawberry Shortcake and sent it to me while I was shopping.

On Saturday we decorated Grandma's for Christmas. Here is Lynzi putting the angel on top of ONE of grandma's trees.

Here are the stockings at Grandmas house. One for Grandpa, one for Grandma and one for Lynzi. Hm...where is mine????

Here is the beautiful tree in the living room.

And here is....Lynzi's tree. Yes, she gets her own tree at Grandma's house!

Here she is in the car on our way home. She had a very tiring Holiday!

So we came home Saturday night and Lynzi was glad to be home to her kitty and playing in her room at home. Here she decided to change her clothes. She said she was a dancer.
So we had a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday. I can't wait until Christmas. The snow...however...can keep its distance!